Adsense web, Tools, PLR articles, Ebooks SEBENAGHAU: April 2009


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Email Courses and Autoresponders

Offering free things to your website visitors is one
marketing method that often results in a lot of sales.
Free courses that are delivered via email are very
popular, and people sign up for such courses on a
regular basis to learn more about a topic of interest
to them. These courses are best maintained and
delivered with the use of autoresponders.

An autoresponder can be set up to send out a
series of lessons for an email course. The lessons
can be set for distribution at specific intervals. You
determine how often the lessons for the course are
sent to the people who have signed up for it. Email
courses are very different from traditional courses,
web based courses, or any other type of course.

There is no student and instructor interaction. The
instructor writes the information out, puts each
lesson in an autoresponder series, sets the timing
for the lessons, and the rest is automated. You can
opt to have lessons delivered daily, every other day,
every three days, or any other time frame that you
think works best for your email students.

Email courses are commonly used to sell products
and services. For instance, if you sell widgets, you
might develop a course that teaches people how to
use widgets or how to care for their widget. Experts
agree that an email course can be written for
almost any product that you can imagine – if you
put enough thought into it.

Start by determining what your course will be about,
and how long it should be. If the course should be
delivered every other day for two weeks, you know
that you would need seven lessons. Write the
lessons, and load them in the autoresponder. Set
the interval for each lesson, which in this case would
be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.

This means that the first lesson would be delivered
one day after the person has requested the course,
and the second lesson would be delivered three days
after the person has requested the course, and so
on. The interval for each lesson is set for the
number of days after the person has signed up
Make sure that everything is spelled right, and that
your sentences are grammatically correct. You
want the lessons to look and sound as professional
as possible.

Next, simply advertise the email address that will
activate the autoresponder. Make sure that you run
a test first, sending each lesson to yourself. This will
allow you to see what your email students will see
when they sign up!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Customer Service with Autoresponders

Ideally, when you perform customer service, it is
done on a one-on-one basis with each of your
customers. That works quite well in the offline world
– but on the Internet, that simply will not do. Your
customers are literally all over the world, and there is
no way that you can really deal with each one of
them personally. That is where an autoresponder
comes in.

Customer service with autoresponders is quite
simple. When an order is place, an autoresponder
can send out the receipt for the sale, the information
for accessing the product, and a ‘thank you’ email.
This happens whether you are logged in to your
computer or on vacation in an exotic location! But
customer service doesn’t always end right there, and
if you are away from your computer, you may be
letting your customers down!

For instance, an elderly gentleman sees your
product advertised and places an order. Everything
goes through just fine, and he receives the receipt,
the download information, and your ‘thank you’ email.
Your product is an ebook, compiled into a PDF file.
This particular gentleman doesn’t understand what
a PDF file is, and he has no idea what you mean by
‘right click to download.’ He needs additional
customer service for the product that he has
purchased, and there is nobody available to help
him – nobody but an autoresponder.

Set up an additional autoresponder that will send out
a list of frequently asked questions or problems that
deal with customer service or how to access the
product. Also set up a support autoresponder. If he
sends a message to support, he should get an
instant message back letting him know that his
message has been received, and how soon it will be
addressed. This will give him some measure of
comfort, and in most cases, he will wait that
specified period of time for assistance.

However, if he doesn’t know how to download the
product, and he sends a message to support, and
nothing happens, he will most likely become very
dissatisfied in a very short period of time. The
difference between a patient customer and an irate
customer is one simple autoresponder message
that can and should be set up in under five minutes.

Really think your ordering process through, and
consider the potential problems that may occur for
your customers. Get an autoresponder set up to
address those problems, and you will find that your
customers are more satisfied with your products,
and extremely satisfied with your customer service –
all because your autoresponders handle their
problems right away!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Business Automation with Autoresponders

Automation is important to all businesses. The less
time we have to spend doing small tasks, the more
time we have to make more money – or we could
spend that time doing something besides working.
Putting an online business on auto pilot isn’t difficult
at all – and it is all done with the use of

Autoresponders can be used to get people to your
website, or to promote products and services.
Simply plug your sales message into the
autoresponder, along with some valuable
information that your potential may want or need,
and advertise that autoresponders address.

Once the person arrives at your site, and goes
through your ordering process, another
autoresponder kicks in. This autoresponder
should send out a receipt, as well as information
that will grant the customer access to whatever it
is that they have purchased. Another autoresponder
message should be sent out after this, thanking the
customer for their business, and letting them know
about similar or related products or services that they
may be interested in.

The beauty of this is that while all of this ordering is
going on, and these important customer service
emails are being sent, you can be off doing
something else! The more automation you can
integrate into your online business, the better off
you will be.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Build Interest With Autoresponder Messages

If you are using your autoresponder to sell a product
or service, you must be very careful as to how you
approach your potential customer. Few people like
a hard sale, and marketers have known for years
that in most cases, a prospect must hear your
message an average of seven times before they will
make a purchase. How do you accomplish this with

It’s really quite simple, and in fact, the
autoresponders make getting the message to your
potential customers those seven times possible. On
the Internet, without the use of autoresponders, you
probably could not achieve that. Too often, marketers
make the mistake of literally slamming the potential
customer with a hard sales pitch with the first
autoresponder message – this won’t work.

You build interest slowly. Start with an informative
message – a message that educates the reader in
some way on the topic that your product or service
is related to. At the bottom of the message, include
a link to the sales page for your product. Use that
first message to focus on the problem that your
product or service can solve, with just a hint of the

Build up from there, moving into how your product or
service can solve a problem, and then with the next
message, ease into the benefits of your product –
giving the reader more actual information with each
and every message. Your final message should be
the sale pitch – not your first one! With each
message, make sure that you are giving the
customer information pertaining to the topic – free
information! This is what will keep them interested
in what you have to say.

This type of marketing is an art. It may take time to
get it exactly right. Use the examples that other
marketers have set for you. Pay attention to the
messages that you receive from other marketers.
Start a ‘swap’ file, and keep those messages. Use
some of the better sales copy for your own
autoresponder messages – just make sure that
yours doesn’t turn out to be an exact copy of
someone else’s sales message!

Remember not to start with a hard sale. Build your
potential customers interest. Keep building on what
the problem is, and how your product or service can
solve that problem or fill that need. If you are doing
this right, by the time the potential customer reads
the last message in that series, they will be
convinced enough to make a purchase!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Autoresponder Training Sessions

Autoresponders work very well when it comes to
training others. This is why autoresponders are the
perfect way to conduct email courses. But there are
other types of training that can be done with
autoresponders as well.

Even college professors have found a use for
autoresponders. They can use them to remind
students about upcoming tests, or to deliver study
guides. Since the information in that professor’s
course is taught over and over again each time a
new class comes in, this saves the professor a
great deal of time.

Autoresponders are also used by colleges to remind
faculty and students about upcoming events.
Because events are scheduled in advance, these
autoresponder messages are set up in advance,
and nobody has to depend on a secretary to get
those notices out!

Many businesses use autoresponders to keep their
employees trained. When new equipment is brought
into the office, and employees need to know how to
operate it, an autoresponder can be set up with
training instructions.

No matter what kind of business you are in, there is
a way that autoresponders can be used. The use of
an autoresponder will save quite a bit of time, and it
can also serve to make the people in your
organization much for effective.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Autoresponders – The More You Know, The More Effective They Are

If you have signed up with an autoresponder service,
you need to take the time to read the instructions to
learn how to use the service – before you load the
first word of your first message! Not knowing how to
use the service will lead to many mistakes, and
your customers and potential customers will most
likely see every mistake you make!

As soon as you have complete the sign up process,
load one email address into the autoresponders
mailing list – yours. If there is a manual or help file
for your autoresponder, read every word of it, and
really learn how to use all of the features of the

Work with it, sending messages to your own address,
until you know your autoresponder service inside and
out! This may take a little time, but after a few hours
or so, you should know all that there is to know, and
you will be able to set your autoresponders up much
more effectively in the future. Taking the time to learn
now, will not only save time in the future, it may also
help you tweak and tune your autoresponder
messages and tracking in a way that increases your

Friday, April 24, 2009

Autoresponders and Spam – What You Need To Know

There are laws against sending spam. There are
even laws that you must adhere to when you send
out email that was requested. No matter what type
of email you are sending out, the chances are good
that the anti-spam laws apply to you in some way.

In order to be in compliance with the anti-spam laws
in various states in the US, each commercial email
that you send must include your name or business
name, your street address, city, state, zip code,
and phone number. You must also include
instructions that will allow the recipient to remove
themselves from your mailing list. If you fail to do
any of this, you are essentially breaking the law in
various states – no matter what state or country you
live in!

Protect yourself from spam complaints in any way
that you can. Make sure that when a customer
requests any type of information from you that an
email is sent requesting confirmation before any
other email is sent. If someone is placing an order
from you, include a check box on the order form,
asking for permission to send them periodic emails.
Never use your autoresponder to send unsolicited
commercial email!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Autoresponders and Shopping Cart Integration

When people place orders through your website, it
is always a good idea to immediately acknowledge
the purchase. One way to do this is with the use of
an autoresponder that can be integrated with your
shopping cart. In fact, many shopping carts that are
available today have their own autoresponders built
into the system.

When you set up your autoresponder to send a
message to someone that has placed an order,
there are several things that should be included in the
message. This is an opportunity to ‘speak’ to your
customer, and to let them know about other deals
that you have or special items that you have available.
You should not miss this opportunity.

Do not try to get your ‘thank you’ sales message on
the same autoresponder as the customers email
receipt. Putting the sales message on an email that
is automatically sent to grant the customer access
to their purchase is also a bad idea – that would go
better with the receipt. Make sure your ‘thank you’
sales message is a message that is sent out all by
itself, so your customer can focus solely on that!

Thank the customer for their recent purchase. Tell
them how much their purchase will help them, and
then tell them about other available products that
work well with the one that they just purchased, or
that are similar to the one that they just purchased
in some way. For instance hair conditioner works
with hair shampoo. Vacuum cleaner bags or carpet
powder works well with vacuum cleaners. Just let
them know about the various products that you offer
that will compliment their purchase in some way.

The important thing is to not let your customer get
away without further contact! Think about being in a
brick and mortar store. When you go up to the
counter to pay, there are many items there for sale.
These items are meant to be picked up as last
minute purchases, or impulsive purchases. Your
‘thank you’ sales letter serves the same purpose.

Don’t make the mistake of bombarding your
customer! You can usually send them periodic
information about your specials after they have made
a purchase through you, but emailing them on a
daily basis with your offers is not good business!
Use your autoresponder responsibly! Make sure that
your autoresponder is set up to handle automatic
remove requests, and make sure that the information
that you are sending your customers is of value to

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Autoresponder Access to Secret Pages

People love to have access to things that other
people can’t get. It makes them feel special, and it
is a marketing tactic that really works. Granting
access to secret pages works well on the Internet.
It works best when it is limited. For instance, you
can grant access to only a lucky few, or you can
have a time limit for accessing the pages. You can
grant access to secret pages on your website with
an autoresponder.

The way this works is quite simple. You create a
directory on your website that is password protected,
with one login and password that everybody can use.
You then create some valuable content for that
directory. You can call this your secret vault or your
private stash or anything else you want to call it – as
long as it sounds like something that your visitors
may really want to get their hands on. For instance
‘the secret tools that helped me earn thousands
each month’ would probably entice many people
who want to learn how to make money.

Once you get the directory and the pages set up,
put the URL of the pages and the login name and
password in an autoresponder. Write a sales page
and distribute it to your opt-in list, or have other list
owners distribute it to theirs. Make sure you ‘limit’
the offer. Don’t let people assume that you are
going to share this secret information with the rest
of the world – they want to be the only ones with
this special access!

Keep access to the secret pages free. The goal is to
get people to those pages, so that they can purchase
your products or services. However, remember that
you’ve advertised secret tools or secret information.
Therefore, when they get to those pages, there must
be something of value there for them to collect – for
free in most cases. Don’t make the mistake of
thinking that you will be losing money by giving
something away for free – you won’t. In fact, you’ve
already gained by collecting the names and
addresses of the people who were interested in
your secret information!

Again, this is a marketing tactic that really works,
and it is a great way to use an autoresponder. Once
people have requested the information for your private
pages, you can email them periodically, using your
autoresponder, to let them know about updates to
the secret site. While you are updating them, you
can also tell them about other specials or new
products in your line.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Articles and Autoresponders

Writing articles to market a product or service is an
excellent way to build business. The articles should
be very informative, providing the reader with
information that is relevant to a specific topic. The
article usually includes a link to a webpage for more
information. The webpage, of course, is designed to
sell a product or service that relates to the topic of
the article.

These articles are commonly submitted to article
banks, websites, and ezine publishers. This is one
of the most effective ways to market a service or
product on the Internet, and it can become even more
effective when it is combined with the use of an

Begin by setting each of your articles up in your
autoresponder. It is important that each article have
its very own autoresponder address, so you will
need an autoresponder service that will allow you to
do this. Next, make a master list of your articles, with
the autoresponder address for each article listed
beside the title. You can even add descriptions of the
articles on your master list if you want to.

Advertising your articles one at a time can take a
great deal of time…but advertising one autoresponder
address – the one for the master list – won’t take
very much time at all. Simply put it in your newsletter
and on your website. You can even allow other
ezine publishers to use this is a free resource for
their subscribers!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Introduction to Autoresponders

If you've reached the point of exhaustion trying to keep up
with answering the mountain of emails that threatens to
bury you alive every single day, you're ready to learn
about autoresponders.

The bad news is that people expect prompt replies to their
email inquiries. However, unless you can figure out how to
work continual twenty-four hour shifts, or hire enough
people to constantly monitor incoming emails (while they're
eating up your revenue), you have a problem. The good news
is an autoresponder is an inexpensive - or even free -
method of quickly responding to emails. What these programs
do is automatically respond to incoming emails as soon as
they are received.

Emails are essential to your business for many different
reasons. Most importantly, these invisible email voices
give you their feedback about your website - for free!
However, if you spend all your working hours answering
these emails, how are you supposed to run your business?
The answer is simple: use autoresponders. Autoresponders
are programs that automatically respond to your emails
without you so much as having to click on your mouse.

There are a number of good reasons why you need an
autoresponder besides just answering your email. For
example, autoresponders can be used if you need a way to
send information about your services or products, price
lists, or if there are repeated questions asked across
large numbers of emails. Maybe you want to offer your site
visitors a special bonus of some kind, such as advice or
relevant articles. All of this can be handled by an
autoresponder. Additionally, you can advertise your
business and then build stable relationships with your
customers by using autoresponders.

Autoresponder programs vary from software that runs with
your email program to a specialized script that runs on
your web hosting company's server. This kind of script may
use a web page form or simply operate with your email
account. This kind of script is programmed to send out a
standardized message whenever an email is received. The
message is sent to a particular script or email address.

Some autoresponders can do more than simply send out
standardized messages. They can send out an unlimited
number of follow-up messages sent at predetermined interval
of time. For example, you can set your autoresponder to
send out a new message every day for as long a period as
you desire.

There are numerous companies who offer autoresponders free
of charge. Your website hosting company often provides
autoresponders as a free service. If this is not the case
with your web hosting company, there are numerous companies
who offer this service for a small fee, or free of charge,
providing you attach an advertisement for their company to
your emails.

To personalize your autoresponder messages, you can attach
a signature. Signatures in this case are much like business
cards. You can include your name, company, all your contact
numbers and addresses, and a brief message.

It's a good idea to attach a signature to every email that
is sent out. This works as a repeated reminder of your
business identity every time a customer sees it. The more
they look at your signature, the more likely your company
will spring to mind when your particular service or product
is needed.

You can create a standardized signature that every employee
in your business uses, or you can go wild, and let every
staff member create their own personal signature. Of
course, like everything in life, there are some rules and
guidelines to creating a personal signature.

Keep the length of your signature between four to six lines
of text, with no more than 70 characters in a single line.
Make sure that your email program does not cut off your
text! The content should include your name, your company
name, your email address, fax number, and any other contact
details, such as 800 numbers. Lastly, always include a
short personal message about your company. It should be a
subtle sell of your services or your products, and possibly
your company's reliability and longevity.

Another specialized use of autoresponders is to create
courses that you can then offer your site visitors for
free. You must choose a topic in which you are an expert
and that precisely targets your potential customers.

Once you have carefully chosen your subject, divide it into
a number of different sub-topics. Then offer your site
visitor a free 10 or 15 day course, each day offering a
different sub-topic. The first topic should always be a
welcome message to your site visitor and an explanation
about what is to follow. Your explanation should be
enticing, getting the point across that you are offering
free, quality information that your target audience will
find of great value.

With every lesson, include the number of the lesson, the
topic title, information about your company and its
services or products. At the end, include a few blurbs
about the next lesson to entice the subscriber to continue

Make sure each topic is packed with essential and valuable
information, and leaves the visitor lusting to know more.
Otherwise, you may lose them in the very beginning.

Of course, you have to write up your course before you can
offer it. Once you have done this, and gone over the
material carefully, employing a professional writer or
editor if necessary, you must transfer your text to your

There are a number of free autoresponders you can use. Try
http:/, or Or
go onto Google and you will find a long list of free
autoresponder companies. Then sign-up for your chosen
autoresponder. Once you do, you will receive instructions
as to how to set it up and transfer your text.

Email is an excellent marketing tool; it is inexpensive and
it is fast. Use it to advertise your business by choosing
your email address carefully. Your website should contain
different email addresses for different contact requests.
For example, use for information
requests, or for questions about
sales. It's a good idea to set up one for the owner, such
as This presents your company in
a personal, approachable light and insures that direct
contact is provided.

Autoresponders are an effective and powerful marketing
tool, allowing you to make contact with thousands of
potential customers. This is an invaluable asset
considering how many potential customers you usually have
contact with before you make an actual sale. Essentially,
an autoresponser allows you to automate part of your
marketing campaign.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Creative and Profitable Ways to Use Autoreponders

An interested visitor who has been strolling through your
site has finally come to just what she is looking for and
is about to make a purchase. It's a sunny afternoon, and
her cat, who happens to be sitting on the moss under the
visitor's large fifty-year-old snow-rose bonsai tree,
suddenly jumps down, and the priceless tree topples over.

In the blink of an eye, your visitor exits your site, and
your sale is dust - unless you have had the foresight to
utilize an autoresponder that has captured her email
address. If you have installed an autoresponder, you can
then follow-up with her, and in all probability, make the
sale when the poor woman has finished repotting her
precious bonsai.

Autoresponders are remarkable, versatile programs that do
so much more than just automatically answer your email.
Here are a few ideas that will help you to creatively and
productively use your autoresponder to transform the casual
visitor into a profitable customer. Use your autoresponder

1. Publish a newsletter. Certain quality autoresponders
will manage subscriptions and follow-up with interested
prospects. Your newsletter can keep your visitors informed
about your services or products, while building your
reputation as a credible expert in your particular

2. Publish a newsletter only for your affiliates. Inform
them of current sales you are running and of promotional
material that your affiliates can use themselves to
increase their commissions. Include tips, advice, and
techniques that your affiliates can use to successfully go
out and promote your business.

3. Write reviews. Cover books, software, music, e-books,
movies, etc., and put each review in an autoresponder.
Review your affiliate programs, using a link to your
affiliate's page in your autoresponder.

4. Distribute your articles. Writing and distributing
targeted articles is a powerful tool to build your business
credibility, bring traffic to your site, and increase your
sales potential. If your articles contain valuable
information, many editors will print what is known as a
resource box for you. A resource box contains your bio and
a brief description of your service or product. It can also
contain your autoresponder address. Let's say you've
written fifty articles. Put them on separate autoresponder
accounts and create a master list that contains the titles
of each article, the autoresponder address, and a brief
abstract. Then promote your master list. Additionally,
include your publishing guidelines so your affiliates can
add their articles to your list, increasing the number of
writers who are represented in your article list.

5. Create mailing lists. Inform subscribers to your
articles when you've written new ones that they may want to
publish in their own newsletter or website.

6. Automate your sales process. Use an ad to insure
repeated exposure of your message, which has been proven to
effectively increase sales. In your ad, put your
autoresponder address where a visitor will be exposed to
numerous marketing materials. This multiplies the chances
of converting visitors into customers. For example, if
you're selling a particular product, put testimonials about
how spectacular it is on your autoresponder, and add a
detailed, enticing description of your product.

7. Distribute advertising. Let's say you sell advertising
on your website or in your newsletter or e-zine. Set your
autoresponder to send the information about rates and how
to place an ad automatically to all prospects' email
addresses. Then have your autoresponder follow-up. It can
also send notification of any special deals you are
currently offering.

8. Distribute an email course. Each day, have your
autoresponder send out another lesson. Just be sure that
each lesson has quality content - not a sales pitch. Your
content will do the selling for you, and will do it much
more effectively. You can include tips centered on a
different topic for each lesson, illustrating how your
product will benefit the reader. Include the tangible
benefits the visitor will reap by purchasing your product.
Make sure to include a paragraph or two at the end of each
lesson enticing your prospect to consider making a

9. Automate a reminder about your service or product after
a visitor has completed your course. This will increase the
possibility of sales from visitors who have taken your
course but are dragging their feet about actually making a
purchase. You can also use these reminders to promote new
products or services, and the products and services of your
affiliate programs.

10. Distribute free reports. This gives your visitor an
idea of the type of information you can provide and the
quality of your product or service. Make sure these reports
are not sales letters or you will more than likely lose a
potential customer than gain a sale.

11. Create trivia quizzes on your site and place the
answers in an autoresponder. Your visitor will then be
motivated to request your autoresponder, and you will have
a record of the visitors' email addresses who took your
quiz. Or create a contest and have any visitors that enter
send their responses to your autoresponder. Your
autoresponder can be set-up to send them a confirmation of
their entry.

12. Offer a trial version of your product. Give your
prospects a sample of your ebook, course, software,
membership, etc. People who are exposed to a little taste
often end up wanting the whole pie. You can also capture
their email addresses when you offer them a free trial from
your website. Set up your autoresponder to give
instructions on how to obtain their free trial, and then
make sure to follow-up to try and close the sale.

13. Link to hidden pages on your autoresponder. For
example, a hidden page could be your affiliate page that
contains graphics, promotional articles, and text links
that interested affiliates can make use of. Inform visitors
that they may have free access to your affiliate page by
simply requesting your autoresponder. You will then gather
a list of visitors who may be interested in becoming your

14. Use an autoresponder on your order page. Post a request
form for visitors to be notified of special offers or
discounts in the future. This creates a very effective
mailing list that contains the names of people who are
already your customers.

15. Put your links page on your autoresponder. It should
contain up to fifty links that would be of particular
interest to your visitors. Make sure to add your own
promotional copy at the top or bottom of this page.

Now that you have proof that autoresponders can be used
creatively, see if you can come up with some brilliant
ideas of your own!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Green Tea Report

How do you fit a miracle in a cup?

Dating back more than 4,000 years, Chinese diet green tea has been long revered as a tasty drink that can ward off diseases and improve one’s well-being. Since its first recorded use during the time of Emperor Shen Nung, the link between Chinese diet green tea and good health has never been severed. It’s been used as treatment for everything from headaches to depression. Today, various health benefits of green tea are constantly being reported and many scientists are now focusing their attention on the simple, yet elegantly profound beverage that is green tea.

Where It Comes From

Like all three of the major Asian teas in the market, green tea comes from the plant called Carmellia sinensis. Much of the health benefits of green tea diets owe to the steaming method of making it. As opposed to black and oolong tea which undergoes full oxidization, green tea diet is only gently steamed, preserving the natural antioxidants in its original form.

The antioxidants in green tea helps fight away free radicals. These free radicals are the major contributing factors to aging as well as the ensuing degeneration of cells as a result of it. Scientists have reason to believe that free radicals also play a role in various degenerative diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer.

A Drink Steeped With Tradition

According to tradition, Chinese diet green tea could cure anything from headaches, body aches, and pains to constipation and depression. Over the centuries, further more health claims are made on account of Chinese diet green tea.

Chinese diet green tea is said to increase the blood flow throughout the body. Because Chinese diet green tea contains a little caffeine, ingesting this drink stimulates the heart and allows the blood to flow more freely through the blood vessels. For the same reason that Chinese diet green tea stimulates blood flow, it also stimulates mental clarity.

Chinese diet green tea detoxifies the body. The presence of polyphenols, a naturally occurring antioxidant in Chinese diet green tea, the beverage is said to combat harmful free radicals and help keep the body free from diseases. In this regard, Chinese diet green tea helps maintain the overall well-being of the body. Antioxidants in Chinese diet green tea can boost immunity, preserve young-looking skin, and brighten the eyes.

Chinese diet green tea aids in digestion and banishes fatigue. Chinese diet green tea is also said to prolong the lifespan.

For many years, men of science remained skeptical about the health claims made by Chinese diet green tea enthusiasts. Their doubt was changed to a more positive reception when subsequent researchers proved the disease-preventing attributes of Chinese diet green tea and confirmed most of the health claims.

The Secret to Longevity?

That just might be.

The role of Chinese diet green tea in promoting longevity has been investigated upon by many researchers. They found the premise of their study on observing that Japanese women who are greater-than-average Chinese diet green tea drinkers; have lower mortality rates compared to others. This led the researchers to believe that Chinese diet green tea has “a protective factor against premature death.”

The polyphenols found in Chinese diet green tea may be held accountable. With its high amount of polyphenols, Chinese diet green tea seems to have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Stronger immune system as a result of drinking Chinese diet green tea helps reduce risks of acquiring any illnesses.


Fighting Cancer

There are many health benefits associated with having a green tea diet. One of these green tea diet benefits is preventing cancer. Certain substances present in green tea diets are said to help in destroying cancer cells without harming any neighboring tissues. This substance in green tea diets is called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.

In the 1994 edition of the Journal of National Cancer Institute, the results of an epidemiological study stated that one of the health benefits of drinking green tea is that it can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by up to 60%.

The University of Purdue has also recently concluded a research on how a certain compound present in green tea can stop cancer cells from growing.

A Healthy Drink to a Healthy Heart

Study after study has shown that drinking Chinese diet green tea and eating polyphenol-rich foods reduces the risk of any heart complications. Drinking Chinese diet green tea also helps strengthen the blood vessels that provide oxygen and valuable nutrients to the heart and brain. It has been shown that men who drink Chinese diet green tea have 75 percent less possibility of having a stroke than those who don’t drink Chinese diet green tea.

Chinese diet green tea helps lower total cholesterol levels and improve the ratio between LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Study shows that men who drink nine or more cups of Chinese diet green tea daily have lower cholesterol levels than those who drink fewer than two cups.

Lowering Down Cholesterol

Obesity has become one of the major health issues in our society today. In fact, more than half of the American population is overweight or obese. As a result, diet and weight loss plans have become increasingly popular. But not all diet plans work. And not all of them are necessarily risk-free. A safer alternative for people wanting to lose weight are green tea diets.

Green tea diets can be a potential cure to obesity. The catechin polyphenols present in green tea diets can delay the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases in the body. These enzymes are actually the ones responsible for converting calories in the body into fats. By delaying these enzymes, green tea diets can therefore stop fat from being stored and prevent obesity in people.

Green tea also has the ability to lower down cholesterol levels and improve the ratio between good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol. The EGCG in green tea can stop blood from forming abnormal clots (thrombosis), a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.

Other Health Benefits

Green tea has always been known to have several health benefits, but who knew that it could contribute to weight loss as well?

A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that green tea extract can increase metabolism and fat oxidation of the body. In theory, scientists believe that the weight loss benefits of green tea extracts are due to their caffeine content but the results of the study show otherwise as they discovered that green tea extracts have weight loss benefits beyond that of caffeine.

In their study, the researchers administered alone the same amount of caffeine as that in green tea extracts but found that it did not make any significant changes in the body’s overall energy expenditure. This led them to conclude that green tea extracts have ingredients in them that actively interact with each other, promoting increased metabolism and fat oxidation that lead to weight loss.

Further findings indicated that a certain compound found in green tea extracts might be the ingredient that causes weight loss. These green tea extract compounds, called Flavonoids, may alter the way the body uses norepinephrine, a hormone that monitors how calories are burned. When flavonoids interact with other green tea extract ingredients, more calories are burned thus contributing to weight loss.

Another ingredient that actively contributes to the weight loss benefits of green tea extracts is the compound catechin polyphenols. These compounds also interact with other green tea extract ingredients in order to promote weight loss by fat burning and thermogenesis (a process of losing energy by daytime heat).

The great thing about the weight loss benefit of green tea extracts is that it does not have any adverse side-effects. Unlike other herbal products like ephedra and prescription drugs for obesity, green tea extract does not increase the speed of heart rates or raise blood pressure. Not only that, but it also appears that green tea diets may act as a mild appetite-suppressant because of the presence of caffeine. Caffeine may be harmful for the body since an excess of it can cause heart palpitations, hypertension, and insomnia. However, because green tea diets contain only very low levels of caffeine, there is no danger of experiencing these side-effects.

In this regard, green tea extract is an effective and safer alternative to other weight loss products which may cause harm to the user.

The study conducted by the University of Geneva on the weight loss benefit of green tea extract implicated that green tea extract can also help thyroid patients. According to dietitian Lynn Moss, M.S., R.D., green tea extract is a healthier choice for people with thyroid who may be too sensitive to stimulants. Green tea extract can promote weight loss by increasing metabolism without over stimulating the adrenal glands.

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green tea is a great alternative for people who are on weight loss programs because it can help them lead a healthier lifestyle. For instance, instead of drinking coffee and cream which area high in calories, green tea weight loss programs can not only save you from taking in too much calories but also let you take in several healthful substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. Green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine, a key substance used in most weight loss programs because of its appetite-suppressant properties.

Other studies show that green tea in weight loss programs can help reduce fat by inhibiting the effects of insulin. Insulin is responsible for converting glucose into energy for the body to be stored into fat. By delaying insulin, green tea weight loss programs enable sugar to be sent directly to the muscles for instant use, thus preventing fats from forming.

Green tea in weight loss programs can also promote thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat and releases calories. This process is brought on by the interaction of the caffeine content and catechin polyphenols present in green tea. This is why weight loss programs based on green tea is an effective way to stimulate metabolic rates.

No supplement or weight loss program is known to work miracles. However, studies do indicate that green tea have many benefits in store for those enrolled in weight loss programs.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mega-T Green Tea Diet

What’s the trick to a healthy, slender body? Think Mega-T Green Tea Diet.

Mega-T Green Tea Diet is made from 100% pure green tea extract. The green tea in Mega-T Green Tea Diet is rich with natural antioxidants that help increase your metabolic rates. These antioxidants found in Mega-T Green Tea Diet increase metabolism by promoting thermogenesis, the process by which the body converts fat into heat energy. So with Mega-T Green Tea Diet, you’re in for some major fat-burning!

Mega-T Green Tea Diet is also a great appetite-suppressant. Mega-T Green Tea Diet contains substances that affect the appetite hormone called noradrenaline. This hormone is responsible for triggering the body to feel hunger or food cravings. By suppressing the release of this hormone, Mega-T Green Tea Diet helps you control your appetite. Mega-T Green Tea Diet also aids you in overcoming your hunger pangs!

And to further seal the metabolic increase in your body, Mega-T Green Tea Diet also contains the substance Chromium. This substance in Mega-T Green Tea Diet is also a potent catalyst for speeding up your metabolism. Trust Mega-T Green Tea Diet to help you lose fats in a snap!

Garcinia Cambogia is another awesome ingredient you can find in Mega-T Green Tea Diet. Because of the presence of this herbal extract, Mega-T Green Tea Diet increases your ability to control your appetite. There’s less tendency for you to experience hunger pangs when you take Mega-T Green Tea Diet. Because Mega-T Green Tea Diet has the ability to “tell” your stomach that it’s full already, you no longer need to worry about overindulgence. Overeating and binging will be a thing of the past with Mega-T Green Tea Diet!

Think about it! With Mega-T Green Tea Diet, there’s even no need for you to go to the gym anymore! You can start shedding your fats by only taking two Mega-T Green Tea Diet capsules a day!

But if you’re the type who really likes to workout, then don’t think that Mega-T Green Tea Diet will stop you from doing that. Mega-T Green Tea Diet can optimize your workout results! Because Mega-T Green Tea Diet contains substances that are known energy-boosters, you won’t feel tired when you start your workout regimens!

Mega-T Green Tea Diet contains Guarana extract, an herb used by African natives to increase their vigor and energy levels during battle. Guarana in Mega-T Green Tea Diet will provide you with the energy that you need to perform your weight loss routines.

And if that isn’t enough, Mega-T Green Tea Diet also contains Siberian Ginseng. This root plant in Mega-T Green Tea Diet has benefits that equal even that of the acclaimed green tea (also found in Mega-T Green Tea Diet). Because of the high amount of Siberian Ginseng, Mega-T Green Tea Diet can give you the power you need to get your through your day with no problems at all. Mega-T Green Tea Diet will improve your strength and stamina! So keep up your energy and keep that healthy, slim body you were born to have with Mega-T Green Tea Diet!

Mega-T Green Tea Diet contains 300 mg caplets that are to be taken every after mid-morning and mid-afternoon meal with a full glass of water. You can achieve maximum results when using Mega-T Green Tea Diet in combination with the Special Diet Plan enclosed in the box.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Schiff Green Tea Diet

Consider a daily workout instead of a weekly visit to the gym. Schiff Green Tea Diet provides you with the best way to workout everyday without the hassle of going to the gym!

Schiff Green Tea Diet is an all-natural diet product that helps promote thermogenesis and fat metabolism. Schiff Green Tea Diet contains no Ma Huang or Ephedra herb. Schiff Green Tea Diet is ephedrine-free so you won’t experience any jittery or nervous feelings.

Schiff Green Tea Diet has a high amount of active ingredients that have a lot of antioxidant and thermogenic benefits in store for you. The beneficial antioxidants found in Schiff Green Tea Diet are called catechin polyphenols. These substances in Schiff Green Tea Diet interact with other compounds present in order to stimulate thermogenesis and encourage fat to burn.

The most powerful catechin polyphenol found in Schiff Green Tea Diet is called EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate. EGCG in Schiff Green Tea Diet has almost the same effect on your fats like ephedra but minus the dangerous side effects that commonly accompany ephedra-induced metabolism. With Schiff Green Tea Diet, you lose weight without giving up on your body’s health!

The green tea found in Schiff Green Tea Diet comes from the plant Camellia sinensis, which is a native herb of China. This plant where Schiff Green Tea Diet is extracted from is believed to have been in use for more than four thousand years.

The substances present in Schiff Green Tea Diet has been widely recognized the world over as an effective dermal protection against Ultraviolet light radiation. Schiff Green Tea Diet antioxidants can also help prevent cancers including stomach, ovarian, colon, oral, prostate, breast, and cervical cancers.

Schiff Green Tea Diet can also help in reducing harmful intestinal flora while increasing beneficial intestinal flora. This ability of Schiff Green Tea Diet is the main reason why it has curative effects on cancers. This is also the reason why Schiff Green Tea Diet can reduce oxidative stress in smokers and non-smokers and acts as a powerfully anti-inflammatory substance.

A single dose of Schiff Green Tea Diet has been to known to show a dramatic improvement in antioxidant levels in the body. Schiff Green Tea Diet also helps preserve good cholesterol levels and lower down the bad cholesterol. In addition to that, Schiff Green Tea Diet has anti-bacterial properties that help prevent teeth cavities.

And if the benefits listed above are not enough, further researches were made through the years. Having green tea in a diet supplement sometimes is not enough to promote weight loss. This is why Schiff Green Tea Diet comes with standardized formulation to guarantee optimum results.

Schiff Green Tea Diet contains guaranteed levels of EGCG – 270 milligrams a day. The EGCG in Schiff Green Tea Diet is used in combination with specific amounts of caffeine – 150 milligrams a day. These two substances in Schiff Green Tea Diet make this diet product something to reckon with.

Included in each Schiff Green Tea Diet package is an easy-to-follow diet and workout plan. Schiff Green Tea Diet has also made their tablets in easy-to-swallow sizes containing 225 milligrams green tea extract, 90 milligrams EGCG, and 50 milligrams caffeine.

Losing weight has never been this easy. Use Schiff Green Tea Diet.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Information on Green Tea Diet

For centuries now, the benefits of green tea diets have been the subject of countless writings and scientific investigations.

More than four thousand years ago, green tea diet has become a staple beverage for most Asians because of its countless health and medicinal benefits. It is said that the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung was the first one to have discovered green tea diet. Emperor Shen Nung was reported to have been boiling water when some leaves of a nearby plant fell into his pot. The leaves actually came from Camellia sinensis, the herb from which green tea diet is extracted.

Having a green tea diet is associated with several health benefits. One of the benefits of having a green tea diet is providing a potential cure for cancer. According to some studies, certain substances in green tea diet can destroy cancel cells without harming any neighboring healthy tissues. This substance in green tea diets is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

The results of the study on the cancer benefit of green tea diets were astounding and it led to further more researches that investigate other aspects of green tea diet. In a study conducted by American and Swiss scientists in the University of Geneva, it has been found that the EGCG found in green tea diets can increase the 24-hour energy expenditure of the body. They concluded that this is due to the ability of antioxidants present in green tea diet to stimulate thermogenesis, otherwise known as fat metabolism. According to their findings, people who were on a green tea diet exhibited a significant four percent increase in their normal metabolic rates. This led the scientists to conclude that green tea diet has a major contributing factor in weight loss.

Another study conducted in China was designed to investigate further on green tea diet’s weight loss benefit. They decided that since green tea diet can significantly increase fat metabolism, then green tea diet probably would help lowering down cholesterol levels as well. Their hypothesis was proven when they introduced green tea diet on 240 people with mild to extremely high cholesterol levels. After only twelve weeks, they observed that those on a green tea diet dropped sixteen percent in their cholesterol levels.

Based on the above study, it can also be hypothesized that green tea diet can cure obesity. Green tea diet’s catechin polyphenols can delay the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases in the body. These enzymes are the ones responsible for storing calories into fats in the body. By delaying these enzymes, green tea diets can therefore lessen fat concentration and prevent obesity in people.

A truly remarkable beverage, green tea diet is used to improve the body’s health in many ways. Further studies were made on the benefits of green tea diets. The latest ones were able to prove that green tea diet can effectively protect the skin from damage due to ultraviolet light radiation. Green tea diet is also widely recognized as a substance that can protect against many different cancers such as stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer of the colon, oral cancer, prostate cancer, and breast and cervical cancers.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Green Tea Diet Aid

Green tea diet aid has been used in China as an herbal and medicinal beverage for more than four thousand years. The Chinese were so convinced with green tea’s healing powers and diet aids that they used green tea as treatment for everything from headaches to depressions and even as a diet aid.

Over the last few years, several researches have been conducted to identify what compound is present in green tea that makes it such a potent health drink and diet aid. The scientists have discovered that green tea diet aid has a high amount of antioxidants. These antioxidants present in green tea are responsible for many of green tea’s health benefits and diet aids.

A research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition highlighted the diet aids of green tea. According to the American and Swiss scientists who conducted the study at the University of Geneva, green tea diet aid is due to the presence of certain compounds that help in promoting thermogenesis in the body.

Lead scientist, Dr. Abdul Dulloo said in a press release that there are only two ways to weight loss and diet aid. Diet aid can be achieved either by reducing energy intake or increasing energy expenditure. Green tea, it seems, has compounds that can increase the body’s normal metabolic rates and at the same time suppress the appetite. This makes green tea the perfect diet aid to use.

At the University of Geneva where the study was conducted, Dr. Dulloo and his assistants used ten healthy young men as experimental subjects. They supposed that the main substance that makes green tea a possible potent diet aid is caffeine. To their hypothesis on green tea diet aid, they provided their participants on a typical “Western” diet, which is about forty percent fat, thirteen percent protein, and forty-seven percent carbohydrates.

Everyday, the researchers measured their subjects’ energy expenditure (the measurement used in determining the amount of calories burned within 24 hours) three times. They also kept tabs of the respiration quotient of their subjects to find out how well their carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are utilized.

When the data they collected were interpreted, they discovered that the men receiving regular dosages of green tea diet aid showed a significant four percent increase in their 24-hour energy expenditure. They also found that green tea diet aid can reduce the respiration quotient. This means that green tea diet aid can cause more fats to burn. On the other hand, those men who were not given green tea diet aid showed only minimal increases in their metabolic rates and almost no reduction in their respiration quotient.

Based on their findings, the scientists construed that the substance catechin polyphenol that occurs in high percentage in green tea makes it a very potent diet aid. These substances in green tea alters how the body utilizes the hormone norepinephrine, which is responsible for increasing metabolism and thus leading to diet aid.

In their conclusion, the scientists deduced that green tea owes its diet aid benefits to its high antioxidant content and the substance, catechin polyphenol. These substances in green tea help increase the speed of fat and calorie burning and optimize diet aid.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Nature’s Bounty Super Green Tea Diet

Legend states that the person who first discovered the countless benefits of green tea was the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung. It is said that the emperor was trying to boil some water when leaves from a nearby plant fell into his cauldron. The result was a highly aromatic and beneficial herbal drink that became known as green tea.

For 4,000 years, green tea was a staple drink among Asians. When the beverage finally made its grand crossover in the Western shores, it was found that green tea holds even more benefits for its drinkers.

Nature’s Bounty, America’s largest manufacturer of quality vitamins, minerals, food supplements, health and beauty aids, was among those who took advantage of the recently discovered weight loss benefits of green tea. They called their product Super Green Tea Diet, a fitting title for a truly super health drink.

Super Green Tea Diet is diet and workout all in one capsule. Super Green Tea Diet helps burn calories by promoting sugar and fat metabolism. Studies show that the catechin polyphenols found in super green tea diet supplements react with other antioxidants to promote thermogenesis, which is responsible for burning body-fat and increasing metabolism.

Similarly, the antioxidants found in super green tea diet supplements inhibit the production of insulin, the hormone that stores calories into fats. With the action of super green tea diet supplements to suppress insulin, fats are readily made available, turning them into pure energy for the muscles.

Super Green Tea Diet is ephedra-free. This harmful substance contained in most dietary supplements has been known to be the cause of two deaths reported to the FDA. With Super Green Tea Diet, you lose weight and at the same time, keep yourself safe from the harmful effects of ephedra.

Super Green Tea Diet also contains green tea extract and Chromium which is a major contributor in increasing fat and sugar metabolism. This action of Super Green Tea Diet leads to faster fat-burning and faster weight loss.

Super Green Tea Diet gives you the “extra push” you need to get your weight loss goals into action. Super Green Tea Diet combines all-natural ingredients to help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted. Uva Ursi in Super Green Tea Diet has diuretic properties that help you maintain fluid balance in your body. Vitamin B-6, Ginger, and Guarana make Super Green Tea Diet a great source of energy, perfect for those enrolled in workout regimens. Super Green Tea Diet also contains Ginger Zingiber officinale (root) and Bladderwack Extract Fucus vesiculosus (herb).

Super Green Tea Diet is a diet pill that really works. According to some online product reviews, you could lose up to ten pounds in a month when you use Super Green Tea Diet. Taking one Super Green Tea Diet pill after two meals with a full glass of water should do the trick for you. So drink Super Green Tea Diet and start shedding fats.

Super Green Tea Diet works ideally with a workout or diet plan. This is a provision afforded to you for free because the Super Green Tea Diet includes a specially formulated diet plan enclosed in the box.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chinese Diet Green Tea

There are only a few herbs that can surpass the impressive history of Chinese diet green tea. Dating back more than 4,000 years, Chinese diet green tea has been long revered as a tasty drink that can ward off diseases and improve one’s well-being.

Since its first recorded use during the time of Emperor Shen Nung, the link between Chinese diet green tea and good health has never been severed. Today, further studies are made to test the benefits of the remarkable health elixir that is Chinese diet green tea.

Traditional Health Benefits of Chinese Diet Green Tea

According to tradition, Chinese diet green tea could cure anything from headaches, body aches, and pains to constipation and depression. Over the centuries, further more health claims are made on account of Chinese diet green tea.

Chinese diet green tea is said to increase the blood flow throughout the body. Because Chinese diet green tea contains a little caffeine, ingesting this drink stimulates the heart and allows the blood to flow more freely through the blood vessels. For the same reason that Chinese diet green tea stimulates blood flow, it also stimulates mental clarity.

Chinese diet green tea detoxifies the body. The presence of polyphenols, a naturally occurring antioxidant in Chinese diet green tea, the beverage is said to combat harmful free radicals and help keep the body free from diseases. In this regard, Chinese diet green tea helps maintain the overall well-being of the body. Antioxidants in Chinese diet green tea can boost immunity, preserve young-looking skin, and brighten the eyes.

Chinese diet green tea aids in digestion and banishes fatigue. Chinese diet green tea is also said to prolong the lifespan.

For many years, men of science remained skeptical about the health claims made by Chinese diet green tea enthusiasts. Their doubt was changed to a more positive reception when subsequent researchers proved the disease-preventing attributes of Chinese diet green tea and confirmed most of the health claims.

Chinese Diet Green Tea and the Heart

Study after study has shown that drinking Chinese diet green tea and eating polyphenol-rich foods reduces the risk of any heart complications. Drinking Chinese diet green tea also helps strengthen the blood vessels that provide oxygen and valuable nutrients to the heart and brain. It has been shown that men who drink Chinese diet green tea have 75 percent less possibility of having a stroke than those who don’t drink Chinese diet green tea.

Chinese diet green tea helps lower total cholesterol levels and improve the ratio between LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Study shows that men who drink nine or more cups of Chinese diet green tea daily have lower cholesterol levels than those who drink fewer than two cups.

Chinese Diet Green Tea and Longevity

The role of Chinese diet green tea in promoting longevity has been investigated upon by many researchers. They found the premise of their study on observing that Japanese women who are greater-than-average Chinese diet green tea drinkers; have lower mortality rates compared to others. This led the researchers to believe that Chinese diet green tea has “a protective factor against premature death.”

The polyphenols found in Chinese diet green tea may be held accountable. With its high amount of polyphenols, Chinese diet green tea seems to have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Stronger immune system as a result of drinking Chinese diet green tea helps reduce risks of acquiring any illnesses.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill

Tired of going to the gym everyday and not seeing any results? Want to go on to the fast-track with your diet but afraid of any harmful side-effects? Well, have we got the right product for you. Introducing the Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill, it’s your one way go to achieving a healthier, slimmer you.

Two Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pills is all you need. Take one Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill every after mid-morning meals and another Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill in mid-afternoons and you’re all set to shedding those extra pounds.

And what’s more? Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pills are absolutely safe to use! Unlike ephedra, Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pills contain only a small amount of caffeine which is a known substance that causes heart palpitations and irregular heart beats. Because there is less caffeine in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill, there is less risk for you to develop any cardiovascular complications.

The high amount of green tea extract in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill curbs your appetite and increases your metabolism at the same time. Studies have indicated that the antioxidants present in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill can effectively suppress the release of noradrenaline, the appetite-stimulating hormone of the body. Without noradrenaline, you can rest assured that you will no longer have to suffer the torture of craving foods that are against your diet regimen.

The antioxidants found in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill also have great thermogenic properties. Thermogenesis is the process wherein the body uses its fats to produce heat energy for the muscles. When working out, fat-burning occurs simultaneously with thermogenesis. Because Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill causes thermogenesis, you can lose all the fats that you want without having to exert too much effort.

Since the ancient times, green tea in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill has been used as an herbal drink and a health supplement. Studies have shown that green tea in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill can boost the immune system and cure various ailments like headaches, depression, indigestion, and even cancer. With Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill, you lose weight the fastest, healthiest way possible.

Other ingredients included in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill are Bladderwack. Fo Ti, and Gotu Kola. These three ingredients of Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill are important diuretic substances. Excess water in the body contributes to flabby waists and bloated stomachs. By helping you reduce water in your body, Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill lets you keep your weight down and make you feel all the better for it!

Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill also contains Guarana, a known energy-booster. Guarana in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill will give you the energy you need to perform all your weight loss routines. And if that isn’t enough, Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill also includes Siberian Ginseng among its many ingredients. Aside from increasing your stamina, the Siberian Ginseng found in Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill has many health benefits that equal those of traditional Chinese green tea. Mega-T Green Tea Diet Pill are said to promote mental alertness and physical performance because of its Ginseng content. More energy means more power to do exercises and gym workouts.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mega-T Green Tea Diet

They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, we say a Mega-T Green Tea Diet caplet a day keeps the doctor away…indefinitely!

Mega-T Green Tea Diet is the newest weight loss product to hit the market. A unique blend of green tea and other ingredients, Mega-T Green Tea Diet is the one product that can promote mega weight loss.

Mega-T Green Tea Diet includes a high amount of green tea extract that helps suppress your appetite and at the same time, increase your metabolic rates. Green tea in Mega-T Green Tea Diet contains substances that affect how the hormone noradrenaline acts.

The key to controlling the appetite is by controlling the release of this hormone first. And with Mega-T Green Tea Diet, that shouldn’t be a hard task. Mega-T Green Tea Diet is a natural when it comes to suppressing the appetite.

Aside from being an appetite-suppressant, the green tea in Mega-T Green Tea Diet also helps promote thermogenesis in the body. Thermogenesis is the process wherein calories are converted into heat energy for the body to use. Mega-T Green Tea Diet contains polyphenols which are antioxidants that interact with each other to stimulate thermogenesis. In this regard, Mega-T Green Tea Diet helps increase your body’s metabolic rates and helps you burn fats faster. More fats burned means more weight lost!

Green tea in Mega-T Green Tea Diet also has other benefits aside from weight loss. Studies have shown that green tea in Mega-T Green Tea Diet can cure cancer, arthritis, ulcers, and other diseases. The antioxidants in Mega-T Green Tea Diet also help reduce the cholesterol levels of the body, thereby maintaining the delicate balance between LDL and HDL cholesterols. In this regard, Mega-T Green Tea Diet also helps reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks among its users.

Mega-T Green Tea Diet also contains chromium. Chromium in Mega-T Green Tea Diet helps prevent fat storage. This ingredient of Mega-T Green Tea Diet also increases your metabolic rates by increasing the rate at which fat is burned. Therefore, with Mega-T Green Tea Diet, you are in for some mega fat-burning!

Another ingredient of Mega-T Green Tea Diet is Garcinia Cambogia. This herb found Mega-T Green Tea Diet can help you overcome food cravings and hunger pangs. Garcinia Cambogia in Mega-T Green Tea Diet, like green tea, acts as a natural appetite-suppressant. In this way, Mega-T Green Tea Diet gives you the perfect method to avoid going overboard with your eating program. Remember, the lesser calories you take, the lesser calories you store!

Mega-T Green Tea Diet contains a small amount of caffeine to provide you with enough energy to get you through the day. But if that isn’t enough, especially if you’re working out, Mega-T Green Tea Diet also contains Guarana and Siberina Ginseng. These two herbs in Mega-T Green Tea Diet are known energy-boosters. So if you want energy for your workout regimens, then Mega-T Green Tea Diet is right for you! Mega-T Green Tea Diet will provide you with all the energy that you need in order to achieve a healthier, slimmer you!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Green Tea Diet Supplement

Green tea diet supplements are all the latest rage in the weight loss industry today. With its countless health and weight loss benefits, green tea diet supplements are fast replacing ephedra as the leading weight loss product in the market.

So what makes green tea diet supplement different?

For one, green tea diet supplement provides its user with an organic alternative to losing weight. Taken from the Camellia sinensis plant, green tea diet supplement contains ingredients that are beneficial to the body.

Several studies have been made on the effects of green tea diet supplements. It has been shown that the green tea extract found in green tea diet supplements contains a high amount of polyphenols. These substances in green tea diet supplements are natural bioflavonoids that act on the harmful free radicals that are the major causes of aging and diseases. By destroying the free radicals, the polyphenols in green tea diet supplements thus helps protect you from aging and diseases.

Green tea diet supplements are also great appetite-suppressants. In fact, this attribute of green tea diet supplements is one of the main reasons why it was made into a diet supplement in the first place. Green tea diet supplements affect how the appetite hormone noradrenaline acts. By suppressing noradrenaline, green tea diet supplements help reduce the occurrence of hunger pangs and make sure that you do not take in more food than you actually need.

Green tea diet supplements are also known for their major fat-burning attributes. Green tea diet supplements contain a significant amount of caffeine that accounts for its reputation as a great metabolic rate enhancer. Studies have show time and time again that caffeine in green tea diet supplements can cause a four percent increase in the body’s total energy expenditure. But unlike other diet products, green tea diet supplements increase metabolic rates without necessarily affecting the person’s heart rate. This is due to the fact that green tea diet supplements contain less caffeine than the average caffeinated drink or caffeinated diet products like ephedra. This makes green tea diet supplement a safer, healthier choice.

Aside from burning calories and increasing metabolism, green tea diet supplements are also highly valued for their ability to lower down cholesterol levels in a person. The antioxidants found in green tea diet supplements targets the bad cholesterol found in the body and in the process help maintain the ration between LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.

Green tea diet supplements contain substances that have great thermogenic effects on the body. Thermogenesis is the process by which the body converts fat and calories into heat energy. The process is usually occurs when polyphenols interact with other substances, causing heat to be released. With the high amount of polyphenols in green tea diet supplements, it is not avoidable that thermogenesis occurs.

A study on the thermogenic effects of green tea diet supplements was recently concluded at the University of Geneva. The scientists found that of the ten healthy young men that served as their experimental subjects, only those who were given green tea diet supplements showed an impressive four percent increase in their total 24-hour energy expenditure. From their findings, the researchers surmised that green tea diet supplements can promote weight loss.


Bagaimana teknik pemberian Pakan ?

Pakan merupakan sumber energi yang diperlukan untuk kelangsungan hidup bagi ikan yang dibudidayakan, pakan juga dibutuhkan untuk menghadapi tekanan lingkungan yang kurang ideal, bertahan hidup, pertumbuhan serta untuk reproduksi.

Dalam budidaya secara intensif, pakan menjadi salah satu kunci untuk mencapai suatu keberhasilan. Lebih dari 60% biaya produksi tersedot untuk pembelian pakan, sehingga pengelolaan pakan haruslah dilakukan dengan tepat dan cermat. Mulai dari pemilihan jenis, ukuran dan merek pakan, cara pemberian, frekuensi serta jumlah pakan yang diberikan juga harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati. Kesalahan dalam pengelolaan pakan akan menyebabkan kegagalan dalam usaha budidaya secara keseluruhan.

Berbagai merek pakan sudah ditawarkan pabrikan pakan, tetapi secara umum jenisnya hanya ada dua macam yaitu pakan tenggelam dan pakan terapung. Pakan tenggelam harganya relatif lebih murah dibandingkan dengan yang terapung, akan tetapi dibutuhkan kesabaran dan waktu yang lebih lama untuk memberikannya ke ikan. Pakan terapung diyakini mempunyai beberapa kelebihan dibandingkan dengan pakan tenggelam, diantaranya saat diberikan pada ikan, pakan dapat dilihat dengan jelas sehingga kita bisa tahu persis apakah pakan yang kita berikan benar-benar dimakan ikan atau tidak, jumlahnya sudah cukup, masih kurang atau malah sudah berlebihan ?. Belum lagi cara pemberiannya relatif lebih praktis dan tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama asalkan happa yang kita pasang dalam jaring berfungsi dengan sempurna sehingga pakan tidak ada yang keluar dari jaring.

Dalam hal ukuran diameter pakan, pabrikan sudah membuat sesuai kebutuhan konsumen mulai yang paling halus untuk keperluan benih yang baru menetas hingga yang relatif besar untuk pakan indukan. Namun karena bibit yang digunakan dalam karamba jaring apung ini sudah relatif besar yaitu minimal 10 gram/ekor maka pakan yang digunakan bisa langsung dimulai dengan yang diameter 3 mm. Pakan ukuran 3 mm ini bisa digunakan hingga ikan mencapai ukuran 150 gram/ekor. Setelah bobot ikan mencapai lebih dari 150 gram/ekor, sebaiknya ukuran pakan kita ganti dengan ukuran diameter 5 mm dan pakan ini bisa kita pakai hingga ikan siap panen.

Agar pakan yang diberikan tidak keluar dari jaring karamba, maka pada semua sisi bagian dalam jaring sedalam satu meter hingga setengah meter diatas permukaan air dipasang “damper” yang dibuat dari waring hitam (happa). Usahakan pemasangan happa ini cenderung agak membulat agar pakan tidak mengumpul di setiap pojokan karamba. Tambatkan happa tersebut pada bagian atas dan bawah jaring sehingga happa persis menempel pada jaring .

Untuk mengetahui reaksi ikan terhadap pakan yang diberikan, sebaiknya pemberian pertama kali cukup dalam jumlah yang sedikit saja. Perlu diingat bahwa reaksi ikan terhadap pakan ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan. Antara hari ini dan keesokan harinya reaksi ikan bisa sangat berbeda. Apabila reaksi ikan baik maka pemberian pakan bisa dilanjutkan, akan tetapi bila ikan kurang tanggap terhadap pakan yang diberikan maka sebaiknya tunda pemberian pakan hingga beberapa saat sambil kita lihat perkembangan reaksi ikan. Ikan yang mau makan ditandai dengan pergerakan memutar ataupun banyak yang muncul ke permukaan air. Bila kita mendekat, ikan cenderung mengejar ke arah kita.

Jumlah pakan yang diberikan disesuaikan dengan jumlah dan ukuran ikan, secara gampangnya berikanlah pakan setiap kali ikan kelihatan sudah lapar dan hentikanlah pemberian pakan segera sebelum ikan kekenyangan. Ikan yang kenyang reaksinya akan lamban dan bila pakan yang diberikan sudah berlebihan maka pakan tersebut akan mengambang di permukaan air dan kemudian akan mengembang. Pakan yang sudah mengambang lebih dari 15 menit diyakini sudah turun kualitas atau kandungan gizinya.

Frekuensi pemberian pakan juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh ukuran ikan dan kondisi lingkungan, namun secara umum ikan yang kecil frekuensinya lebih sering dibandingkan dengan ikan yang lebih besar. Demikian pula dengan lingkungan, kondisi lingkungan yang mendukung butuh frekuensi pemberian pakan yang lebih sering.

Secara kasat mata, pengaruh manajemen pakan yang baik akan tampak pada ikan. Pengelolaan pakan yang baik akan menghasilkan ikan yang sehat, cepat besar,kematian yang rendah, waktu pemeliharaan yang lebih singkat dan konversinya (FCR) rendah. Kesemuanya ini tentulah akan menguntungkan petani.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

JAMBAL SIAM (Pangasius Suchi)

Jambal Siam atau di Indonesia dikenal juga dengan nama Lele Bangkok adalah jenis ikan air tawar yang biasa hidup di sungai-sungai, kolam dan rawa-rawa di Tailand. Sebagai ikan yang biasa hidup liar, mulanya ikan ini sulit dibudidayakan. Namun setelah dapat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kolam buatan, pemijahannya kini sudah bisa berhasil. Dilihat dari kebiasaan makannya, pangasius tergolong dalam jenis Carnivor dan menyukai berbagai jenis pakan alami seperti zooplankton. Akan tetapi dalam budidayanya kini pangasius juga sudah diberi pakan buatan berupa pelet yang kaya protein.

Pada awalnya, saat pertama kali diimpor ke Indonesia bahkan hingga kini jenis ikan Pangasius Sutchi ini dijadikan sebagai ikan hias. Namun di Negara asalnya (Thailand), sebenarnya ikan ini sudah lama dikenal sebagai ikan konsumsi dan sudah membudaya di masyarakat

Sebagai ikan hias, ikan ini cukup banyak digemari para penghoby karena warnanya yang cukup indah serta bentuk tubuhnya yang unik mirip ikan hiu. Tak heran jika ikan ini juga dikenal dengan sebutan Siamese Shark atau Hiu Siam. Namun di Thailand dalam bahasa sehari-hari ikan ini sering disebut dengan “Pla Sawai”.

Saat ini di Indonesia-pun pangasius juga sudah banyak ditemukan di pasar sebagai ikan konsumsi, bahkan di daerah Jawa tengah penggemar ikan ini sudah cukup banyak. Tidaklah terlalu mengherankan karena rasa dagingnya memang cukup gurih dan lezat.

Tidak hanya di Thailand, sebenarnya ikan jenis ini sudah lama ada di Indonesia namun spesiesnya berbeda. Ada dua spesies pangasius yang terdapat di Indonesia yaitu Pangasius pangasius dan Pangasius polyurandon. Beda kedua jenis pangasius ini hanya terletak pada bentuk kepala dan sirip punggungnya. Pangasius pangasius kepalanya lebih besar dan bentuknya menyerupai segitiga, sedangkan Pangasius polyurandon kepalanya lebih kecil dan bentuknya agak bulat. Pada bagian sirip punggungnya, Pangasius pangasius terdapat patil yang berupa duri keras, sedangkan pada sirip punggung Pangasius polyurandon tidak terdapat patil.

Bila dibandingkan dengan Pangasius sutchi, kedua jenis Pangasius asli Indonesia yang banyak terdapat diperairan Sumatra ini relatif lebih sulit dipijahkan. Karena sangat liar dan sulit beradaptasi sehinga sulit matang gonad jika dipelihara di kolam. Akan tetapi akhir-akhir ini sudah ada yang berhasil membudidayakannya.

Pangasius sutchi mempunyai peluang dan potensi yang cukup baik untuk dikembangkan dengan budidaya dalam karamba jaring apung, karena ikan ini mempunyai syarat hidup yang mudah yaitu tahan terhadap kadar Oksigen terlarut dalam air (DO) yang rendah, tidak memerlukan air deras dan cukup tahan terhadap penyakit.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NILA MERAH (Oreochromis sp.)

Menurut klasifikasinya, nila merah (Oreochromis sp.) termasuk kedalam Ordo Percomorphi, Famili Cichlidae dan Genus Oreochromis. Ikan ini berkembangbiak dengan cara mengerami telur dan mengasuh anaknya dalam mulut (maternal mouth brooders).

Nila merah merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar hasil persilangan antara Oreochromis mossambicus albino yang berwarna merah oranye dengan Oreochromis niloticus atau Oreochromis aureus. Nila merah yang kita kenal biasanya mempunyai warna tubuh kemerah-merahan atau kuning keputih-putihan.

Dibandingkan dengan jenis ikan air tawar lainnya, nila merah mempunyai beberapa kelebihan untuk dibudidayakan. Kelebihan tersebut antara lain pertumbuhannya cepat, mudah berkembangbiak, tahan terhadap penyakit, mempunyai toleransi yang tinggi terhadap perubahan lingkungan dan mempunyai prospek pemasaran yang cukup baik. Disamping itu ikan ini juga mempunyai warna yang menarik, cenderung untuk memakan semua makanan yang tersedia di sekitarnya dan keturunannya dominan berjenis kelamin jantan. Kelebihan lainnya yaitu warna daging putih, rasa daging enak, gurih dan lezat serta hanya terdapat sedikit tulang, itulah sebabnya ikan ini sudah banyak diekspor ke luar negeri dalam bentuk fillet beku.

Nila merah yang sudah dewasa dapat dibedakan dengan mudah antara yang jantan dengan betina. Nila merah jantan mempunyai bentuk tubuh yang relatif tinggi, lubang genital hanya satu yang berupa tonjolan agak meruncing yang berfungsi sebagai alat pengeluaran urine dan sperma. Sedangkan nila merah betina mempunyai bentuk tubuh yang lebih rendah dan mempunyai dua lubang genital yang berupa tonjolan agak membundar. Kedua lubang genital tersebut masing-masing berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan urine dan telur.

Nila merah jantan mempunyai pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dan dapat mencapai ukuran yang lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan yang betina. Hal ini disebabkan karena nila merah jantan lebih agresif dan rakus bila dibandingkan dengan yang betina, sehingga dalam persaingan untuk mendapatkan makanan yang jantan selalu menang. Selain itu, proses kematangan seksual nila jantan lebih lambat daripada yang betina sehingga energi yang diperoleh sepenuhnya dapat digunakan untuk pertumbuhannya. Oleh karena itu, pembudidayaan nila merah jantan secara tunggal kelamin merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan produksi budidaya.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Jenis Ikan apa sajakah yang cocok untuk dibudidayakan dalam Karamba Jaring Apung ?

Beberapa jenis ikan seperti golongan Oreochromis, golongan cyprinus, golongan Catfish dan jenis ikan lainnya sudah banyak dicoba dibudidayakan dalam karamba jaring apung. Termasuk ke dalam golongan oreochromis yaitu; nila lokal/nila hitam, mujair, nila aurea dan nila merah. Sedangkan dari golongan cyprinus diantaranya; ikan mas/karper/tumbro, tawes, dan grace carp. Golongan Catfish yang sangat populer diantaranya; lele lokal, lele dumbo dan jambal. Selain ketiga golongan tersebut ikan yang sudah dicoba untuk dipelihara dalam karamba jaring apung yaitu ; gurame, bawal air tawar hingga ikan malas. Akan tetapi disini saya akan mengupas 3 jenis ikan yang paling banyak dibudidayakan dalam karamba jaring apung. Ketiga jenis tersebut yaitu : Nila Merah (Oreochromis sp), Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio) dan Jambal Siam(Pangasius Sutchi).

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Bagaimana cara membuat jaring ?

Pembuatan jaring harus disesuaikan dengan bentuk kerangkanya, apabila kita menggunakan kerangka bundar maka kita juga harus membuat jaring yang berbentuk bundar. Demikian pula kalau kerangkanya persegi atau bujur sangkar, jaring yang kita buat juga harus sama yaitu persegi atau bujur sangkar pula.

Bahan jaring yang sudah setengah jadi tetapi masih berbentuk lembaran hasil pabrikan sudah banyak tersedia di pasaran. Kita tinggal memilih yang sesuai dengan keinginan kita. Jaring yang sering digunakan untuk karamba biasanya terbuat dari bahan Poly Ethelene (PE) dengan berbagai ukuran mata jaring dan jumlah serabut penyususnnya.

Untuk bibit yang baru tebar hingga ikan mencapai ukuran sekitar 200 gram/ekor biasanya digunakan jaring dengan ukuran mata satu inchi, bahannyapun biasanya hanya PE D9 hingga D12 yang berarti benang jaring tersebut tersusun dari 9 hingga 12 serabut. Sedangkan untuk ikan-ikan yang sudah lebih besar dari 200 gram/ekor hingga ikan tersebut siap panen sebaiknya menggunakan jaring dengan ukuran mata dua inchi dari bahan PE D12 hingga D15. Hal ini dilakukan karena ukuran ikan yang dipelihara sudah cukup besar dan biomassa ikan dalam karamba sudah cukup tinggi.

Untuk karamba yang berbentuk bujur sangkar dengan ukuran sisi-sisinya 6 meter, paling tidak dibutuhkan bahan jaring sepanjang 30 meter. Tetapi akan lebih baik kalau kita gunakan 36 meter jaring. Biasanya bahan jaring yang tersedia dipasaran terdiri dari sekitar 300 mata jaring, untuk jaring dengan ukuran mata satu inchi sebaiknya bahan tersebut langsung digunakan. Lain halnya kalau bahan jaring dengan ukuran mata dua inchi, bahan tersebut sebaiknya dibelah menjadi dua bagian terlebih dahulu.

Cara membuat jaring berbentuk bujur sangkar dengan ukuran sisi-sisinya 6 meter sangatlah mudah, kita potong bahan sepanjang 24 meter sebagai dinding karamba lalu dijahit sehingga menyerupai sarung. Jaring yang sudah berbentuk sarung tersebut kita bagi menjadi 4 bagian lalu diberi tanda untuk dijadikan pojokannya. Potong lagi bahan jaring yang baru sepanjang 6 meter untuk dijadikan lantai jaring. Dari potongan terakhir ini kita akan dapatkan empat sudut, lalu pasangkan keempat sudut tersebut dengan empat pojokan sarung yang sudah kita beri tanda tadi dan gabungkan dengan cara menjahitkan semua sisi dasar jaring tersebut dengan sisi bawah dinding jaring. Kalau cara jahitnya benar maka akan kita dapatkan kelambu terbalik. Pada pinggiran bidang atas kelambu tadi kita beri tali ris. Sebaiknya tali ris ini berbentuk tali nylon yang juga terbuat dari bahan Poly Ethelene (PE) yang diameternya 6 mm, tali ris ini berfungsi untuk menambatkan jaring ke kerangka karamba.

Karena ukuran jaring ini sama dengan ukuran kerangka karambanya, maka jaring akan tertarik secara maksimal saat dipasangkan. Hal ini menyebabkan bukaan mata jaring tidak dapat sempurna, sehingga sirkulasi air di dalam karamba juga tidak dapat berjalan dengan sempurna.Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka setiap sisi jaring tadi harus ditambah satu meter, dengan demikian bahan pembuat dinding karamba membutuhkan 28 meter bahan jaring. Sedangkan sebagai dasarnya dibutuhkan 8 meter bahan sehingga jaring yang terbentuk bisa lebih sempurna.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Bagaimana konstuksi Karamba yang sesuai dengan lingkungan tertentu ?

Hampir tidak ada standarisasi konstruksi pada system budidaya karamba jaring apung ini. Bentuk dan ukurannya sangat bervariasi disesuaikan dengan lingkungan yang tersedia. Bahan baku kerangkanya juga sangat bervariasi, umumnya kerangka yang digunakan terbuat dari besi pipa, bambu, kayu atau kombinasi ketiganya.

Bentuk karamba jaring apung ada bermacam-macam, ada yang berbentuk segi enam, empat persegi panjang, bujur sangkar bahkan bundar. Namun dua bentuk terakhirlah yang paling banyak digunakan pada perairan-perairan umum.

Untuk membuat kerangka karamba bundar biasanya digunakan bahan semacam campuran antara pipa PPC, PE dan karet yang di dalamnya diisi busa (streoform). Kerangka ini sekaligus merupakan bahan pelampung karamba sehingga dengan kerangkan semacam ini tidak diperlukan lagi drum-drum pelampung. Sedangkan kerangka karamba bujur sangkar biasanya digunakan pipa besi yang sudah banyak tersedia di pasaran dengan ukuran panjang sisi-sisinya sekitar 6 meter, namun bila menggunakan bahan ini masih diperlukan drum-drum sebagai pelampungnya.

Sebagai jalan atau jembatan untuk memberi makan ikan-ikan yang dipelihara biasanya digunakan bambu-bambu yang disusun rapi atau diikat dengan tali sehingga membentuk jembatan, namun akan lebih praktis dan baik lagi kalau jembatan ini juga terbuat dari kayu/papan.

Untuk menyimpan pakan sebagai stok sementara sebelum diberikan pada ikan maka perlu dibuatkan rumah phonton, rumah ini sekaligus digunakan sebagai tempat beristirahat pekerja karamba. Bahan pembuat rumah ini sebaiknya menggunakan bahan yang ringan tetapi relatif tahan terhadap air seperti ; seng, fiber atau bahan lainnya. Gunakan drum pelampung yang lebih banyak pada rumah ini agar daya tampungnya menjadi besar.

Biasanya satu rumah phonton yang berukuran sekitar 4 m x 4 m mampu menyimpan hingga satu ton pakan. Stock pakan sebanyak ini cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan 10 hingga 12 petak karamba bujur sangkar yang berukuran 6 m x 6 m dalam sehari. Ini kalau kita memelihara ikan secara intensif, sedangkan kalau hanya semi intensif maka pakan sebanyak itu cukup untuk jatah seminggu.

Selain jembatan, akan lebih baik kalau di sisi kiri-kanan jembatan tersebut kita buatkan pagar pengaman. Pagar ini bisa kita buat dari bahan besi pipa disatukan dengan kerangka karamba. Pagar ini sangat penting untuk pengamanan tenaga kerja disamping juga bisa digunakan sebagai tempat menambatkan tali net beserta penutupnya.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Dimanakah Budidaya Ikan dengan Karamba Jaring Apung Cocok untuk Diterapkan ?

Pada dasaranya semua perairan yang kedalamannya mencukupi dapat digunakan untuk budidaya ikan dengan karamba jaring apung, namun umumnya teknik budidaya yang satu ini diterapkan pada perairan umum alami yang justru kurang praktis untuk budidaya dengan menggunakan system budidaya yang lainnya.

Perairan umum tawar seperti ; waduk, danau, situ, tebat, empang dan sungai atau perairan umum payau seperti ; muara sungai bahkan perairan laut seperti ; pantai, air pasang surut, laguna laut dan teluk dapat digunakan sebagai tempat untuk budidaya ikan dengan karamba jaring apung. Kebanyakan dari perairan-perairan umum tersebut produksi ikannya sangat rendah akibat sering digunakan sebagai daerah penangkapan. Dengan menjadikannya sebagai daerah budidaya maka produksi ikan akan dapat ditingkatkan.

Lingkungan perairan yang cocok untuk pengembangan system budidaya dengan karamba jaring apung adalah semua perairan yang mampu menyangga kesehatan ikan. Namun demikian, perairan yang bebas polusi dan miskin hara adalah merupakan lingkungan yang paling cocok untuk digunakan. Selain itu, air yang bening ataupun hijau disebabkan plankton dan tidak banyak lumpurnya akan sangat mendukung budidaya dengan system ini. Sementara itu, air yang berwarna coklat seperti kebanyakan air di rawa-rawa kurang baik untuk usaha budidaya.

Dalam memilih lokasi budidaya, hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan meliputi : perubahan tinggi permukaan air, pola tiupan angin serta arah dan kecepatan arus air.
Perairan yang permukaannya relatif stabil akan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang terlalu berfluktuatif. Kedalaman air minimal yang harus dipenuhi yaitu 50 cm lebih dalam dibandingkan dengan karambanya.

Pola tiupan angin mutlak diketahui, pola yang teratur akan lebih baik dan akan membantu kita dalam menentukan penempatan karamba. Pola tiupan angin ini biasanya sejalan dengan arah arus air. Penempatan karamba harus searah dengan pola angin dan arus air, sehingga karamba tidak cepat rusak. Apabila tiupan angin terlalu kencang ataupun arus air terlalu deras maka kita dapat memilih daerah teluk yang agak terlindung untuk menempatkan karamba. Namun demikian, apabila kita tetap ingin memilih lokasi yang tiupan anginnya kencang maka konstruksi karamba harus disesuaikan.

Selain hal-hal diatas, perlu diingat pula bahwa daerah penempatan karamba jaring apung haruslah terbebas dari tumbuhan air dan pemangsa ikan seperti biawak, ikan buas serta pemangsa ikan yang lainnya. Lebih jauh dari itu, sebaiknya lokasi penempatan karamba ini mudah dijangkau dengan kendaraan karena hal ini sangat penting untuk mengangkut pakan dan prasarana yang lainnya disamping juga untuk pengangankutan hasil panen.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Apakah karamba jaring apung itu ?

Karamba jaring apung adalah sebentuk wadah yang dilayangkan di dalam air. Wadah itu, semua sisi dan dasarnya diselubungi oleh jaring yang berfungsi untuk menahan ikan di dalamnya tetapi masih memungkinkan terjadinya pertukaran air secara bebas. Pertukaran air ini diperlukan untuk mendapatkan air yang masih sehat dan segar serta memungkinkan keluarnya hasil ekskresi ikan sehingga tidak meracuni ikan yang dipelihara di dalamnya.

Jaring yang digunakan haruslah terbuat dari bahan yang kuat, tahan lama serta tidak menggesek atau melukai ikan sehingga ikan yang dipelihara tidak stres. Untuk membuka rangkaian jaring tersebut, pada permukaan air dibuatkan kerangka dari besi pipa, bambu atau bahan lain yang dilengkapi dengan pelampung drum.

Sebagai pemberat jaring, dapat digunakan bandul-bandul kecil yang terbuat dari bola plastik atau botol bekas air mineral 1500ml dan di isi pasir atau cor. Pemberat ini berfungsi sebagai pembuka jaring di dalam air sehingga volume karamba menjadi maksimal. Agar karamba jaring apung tetap berada di posisinya dan tidak bergeser akibat terpaan angin atau ombak, maka rangkaian karamba tersebut harus diberi bandul besar atau jangkar.

Bentuk dan ukuran karamba jaring apung harus sesuai dengan lokasi yang tersedia disamping juga disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Pada umumnya karamba jaring apung berbentuk bujur sangkar, namun demikian di beberapa tempat dapat pula kita temukan karamba bentuk lain seperti persegi panjang,. segi enam bahkan bundar sekalipun. Demikian pula dengan ukurannya, mulai dari volume 1 m3 hingga 100 m3 bahkan lebih besar lagi, akan tetapi karamba yang kecil akan lebih mudah pengelolaannya.

Salah satu kelebihan budidaya ikan dengan menggunakan karamba jaring apung ini bila dibandingkan dengan teknik budidaya ikan yang lainnya adalah teknik ini bukan merupakan pesaing, bahkan bersifat pelengkap bagi teknik budidaya ikan yang lain misalnya budidaya mina padi.

Budidaya ikan dalam karamba jaring apung dapat diterapkan pada hampir semua jenis ikan yang sudah biasa dibudidayakan. Teknik budidaya ini juga dapat diterapkan pada perairan umum alami seperti waduk, danau, sungai, muara sungai, pantai, aliran pasang surut, laguna laut, teluk dan perairan umum lainnya yang biasanya kurang praktis untuk diterapkan dengan teknik budidaya ikan yang lainnya.

Kelebihan yang lain adalah secara teknologi relatif sederhana, tidak termasuk proyek padat modal, kontrol ikan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah serta tentu saja secara ekonomis cukup menguntungkan.


Setelah pada beberapa blog yang lain saya isi dengan topik yang beragam dan dalam Bahasa Asing dengan tujuan tertentu, kali ini saya akan membuat sebuah Blog yang mungkin cukup menggambarkan siapa diri saya yang sebenarnya. Sebuah Blog yang akan saya tulis sendiri dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan dengan topik-topik yang sesuai dengan kemampuan yang saya miliki.

Untuk yang pertama ini akan saya coba mengupas tentang Budidaya Ikan dalam Karamba Jaring Apung. Disini saya akan mencoba membahas segala macam hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan budidaya ikan pada perairan umum dengan menggunakan sarana Karamba Jaring Apung. Tulisan ini nantinya lebih cenderung kearah praktik bukan teoritis, dan tulisan ini lebih banyak berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri selaku praktisi di lapangan.

Nantinya saya insya Allah akan coba mengulas tentang :
Apakah Karamba Jaring Apung itu ?
Dimanakah Budidaya Ikan dengan Karamba Jaring Apung Cocok untuk Diterapkan ?
Bagaimana konstuksi Karamba yang sesuai dengan lingkungan tertentu ?
Bagaimana cara membuat jaring ?
Jenis Ikan apa sajakah yang cocok untuk dibudidayakan dalam Karamba Jaring Apung ?
Berapakah ukuran benih yang harus ditebar ?
Bagaimana teknik pemberian Pakan ?
Bagaimana cara sampling ?
Bagaimana cara Seleksi ?
Bagaimana cara Panen ?
Kemana Pemasaran Hasil Budidaya ?
Aspek – aspek yang lain :
 Permodalan & Keuntungan
 Tenaga Kerja
 Hama penyakit Ikan
 Keamanan
 Sosial
 Serba-serbi
Mungkin tidak bisa urut sesuai dengan point-point diatas, tapi saya akan mencoba melengkapinya agar pembaca yang tertarik dengan topik ini cukup mendapatkan tambahan wawasannya (dapat bermanfaat).

Apabila Anda berminat untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang topik yang akan saya bahas ini, silahkan daftarkan email anda untuk berlangganan secara GRATIS di kotak yang telah tersedia disebelah kanan artikel ini. Atau Anda mempunyai usul tentang topik yang perlu dibahas yang berhubungan dengan Karamba Jaring Apung tetapi belum tercantum diatas ?, silahkan berikan komentar Anda dibawah ini, siapa tahu saya dapat memenuhinya. Terima kasih.